
Viviann Anguiano
Senior Fellow
Viviann Anguiano is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, having formerly served as director of education at the White House Domestic Policy Council during the Biden administration, where she led the higher education portfolio.

Chiquita Brooks-LaSure
Senior Fellow
Chiquita Brooks-LaSure is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, having previously served as the administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in the Biden administration from 2021 to 2025.

Michelle Burris
Michelle Burris is a fellow at The Century Foundation, where she focuses on advancing economic equity and workforce inclusion through research and advocacy.

Elizabeth Dawes
Director of Maternal and Reproductive Health and Senior Fellow
Elizabeth Dawes is the Director of Maternal and Reproductive Health and a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, where she leads the organization’s efforts to advance maternal health equity and reproductive justice.

Ijeoma A. Egekeze
Senior Fellow
Ijeoma Egekeze, M.P.H., is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, where she works on issues related to maternal health and reproductive rights.

Carolyn Fast
Director of Higher Education Policy and Senior Fellow
Carolyn Fast is director of higher education policy and a senior fellow at The Century Foundation where she works on higher education policy with a focus on institutional accountability and consumer protections.

Kings Floyd
Research and Policy Associate
Kings Floyd is a research and policy associate for the Disability Economic Justice team at The Century Foundation. She is a disability rights activist, access coordinator and writer based in Washington, D.C. and Portland, Maine.

Ruth Friedman
Senior Fellow
Dr. Ruth Friedman is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, having previously served as director of the Office of Child Care at the Administration for Children and Families in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the Biden administration.

Barton Gellman
Senior Fellow
Barton Gellman is a critically honored author, journalist, and blogger. His professional distinctions include two Pulitzer Prizes (individual and team), the George Polk Award, and Harvard's Goldsmith Prize for investigative reporting.

Gayle Goldin
Senior Fellow
Gayle Goldin is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, previously having served as deputy director of the Women’s Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, during the Biden–Harris administration, where she provided executive leadership to the only federal agency mandated by Congress to focus on the needs of working women.

Peter Granville
Peter Granville is a fellow at The Century Foundation, studying federal and state policy efforts to improve college access and affordability.

Steven Greenhouse
Senior Fellow
Steven Greenhouse is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, where he writes about wages and working conditions, labor organizing, and other workplace issues.

Chantal Hinds
Fellow and Next100 Senior Policy Entrepreneur
Chantal is a fellow at The Century Foundation, senior policy entrepreneur at Next100, and an advocate for students involved in the foster system.

Carole Johnson
Senior Fellow
Carole Johnson joins The Century Foundation from her role as Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration.

Julie Kashen
Director, Women's Economic Justice and Senior Fellow
Julie Kashen is a senior fellow and Director for Women's Economic Justice at The Century Foundation with expertise in working families, economic mobility, labor, and poverty.

Jeanne Lambrew
Director of Health Care Reform and Senior Fellow
Jeanne Lambrew is the director of health care reform and a senior fellow at The Century Foundation.

Dr. Maggie Marcus
Dr. Margaret S. Marcus is a fellow at The Century Foundation, working on improving prospects for English learners. She is also the executive director of the Sullivan Family Charitable Foundation, a private family foundation dedicated to improving educational outcomes for English learners, as well as responsive grant-making both domestically and abroad.

Lauren McFerran
Senior Fellow
Lauren McFerran is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, having previously served as chairman of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) during the Biden administration, from 2021 to 2024.

Emily McGrath
Senior Fellow and Director of Workforce Policy
Emily McGrath is a senior fellow and director of workforce policy at The Century Foundation. Emily is a workforce strategist with deep experience in coalition-building, innovative educational initiatives, and program scaling.

Tiara Moultrie
Tiara Moultrie is a fellow at The Century Foundation, focusing on higher education accountability.

Jordan Nellums
Senior Policy Associate
Jordan Nellums is a senior policy associate on the Higher Education team at The Century Foundation.

Kayla Patrick
Senior Fellow
Kayla Patrick is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, most recently having served as a senior policy advisor in the Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development at the U.S. Department of Education, where she was the primary policy and political lead for all K–12 grant programs.

Halley Potter
Director of PK-12 Education Policy and Senior Fellow
Halley Potter is the director of PK-12 education policy and a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, where she researches public policy solutions for addressing educational inequality.

Stefan Redding Lallinger
Executive Director of Next100 and Senior Fellow
Stefan Redding Lallinger is the executive director of Next100, a think tank that is redefining how policy development is done by putting those closest to and most impacted by policy in the driver’s seat of change.

William M. Rodgers III
William M. Rodgers, III is a fellow at The Century Foundation and professor of public policy and chief economist at the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University.

Robert Shireman
Senior Fellow
Robert Shireman is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation working on higher education policy with a focus on affordability, quality assurance, and consumer protections.

Denise A. Smith
Deputy Director of Higher Education Policy and Senior Fellow
Dr. Denise A. Smith is the deputy director of higher education policy and a senior fellow at The Century Foundation.

Vina Smith-Ramakrishnan
Vina Smith-Ramakrishnan is a fellow at The Century Foundation, where she works on issues related to maternal health and reproductive rights and justice.

Andrew Stettner
Director of Economy and Jobs
Andrew Stettner is a Director of Economy and Jobs at The Century Foundation. He leads TCF’s team working on unemployment insurance, workforce development, labor rights, disability and the economy.

Julie Su
Senior Fellow
Julie Su is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, where she works on a range of
issues focused on protecting labor rights, growing worker power, and advancing equity in the

Laura Valle Gutierrez
Laura Valle Gutierrez is a fellow at The Century Foundation, where she uses her policy and research expertise to advance gender, racial and economic equity.

Loredana Valtierra
Senior Fellow
Loredana Valtierra is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, having previously served as senior policy advisor in the Biden–Harris administration in the Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development at the U.S. Department of Education.

Alejandra Vázquez Baur
Alejandra Vázquez Baur is a fellow at The Century Foundation, where she manages the Bridges Collaborative and directs the National Newcomer Network.

Amber Villalobos
Amber Villalobos is a fellow at The Century Foundation working on higher education policy, with a focus on for-profit education, online education, and institutional accountability.

Danny Weiss
Senior Fellow and Director of The Government Affairs Program
Daniel (Danny) Weiss is a senior fellow and director of the government affairs program at The Century Foundation focused on improving public understanding of the U.S. Congress and advancing public policy in the areas of education, health care, and the economy.

Rachel West
Senior Fellow
Rachel West is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, most recently having served as special assistant to the president for labor and workers at the White House Domestic Policy Council, where she led efforts to strengthen workers’ pay and overtime protections, advance health and safety protections, and strengthen workplace rights.

Conor P. Williams
Senior Fellow
Conor P. Williams is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, and an expert on urban education reform, English learner students, children of immigrants, early education programs, and school choice systems. He is also a founding partner with the Children’s Equity Project.

Lea Woods
Senior Policy Associate
Lea Woods is a senior policy associate in the women's economic justice department at The Century Foundation where her work focuses on a range of issues, including paid family leave and child care.

Mark Zuckerman
Mark Zuckerman is President of The Century Foundation, served as President Obama's Deputy Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council from 2011 to 2013, and is a former Democratic Staff Director of the U.S. House Education and Workforce Committee.
Century International

Rohan Advani
Fellow, Podcast Producer
Rohan Advani is a fellow at Century International and the executive producer of the Order From Ashes podcast. He is a PhD candidate in sociology at UCLA.

Veena Ali-Khan
Veena Ali-Khan is an analyst, researcher, and fellow at Century international, focusing on the Arabian Peninsula, Gulf energy dynamics, and political economy in the Middle East. She was previously the Yemen researcher at the International Crisis Group.

Naira Antoun
Naira Antoun is a fellow at Century International and director of the Transnational Trends in Citizenship initiative. She is also a contributing editor at Mada Masr, where she has worked since its establishment in 2013.

Abdelrahman Ayyash
Abdelrahman Ayyash is a fellow at Century International and director of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood working group. Ayyash is an award-winning journalist and a researcher specialized in Islamic movements

Thanassis Cambanis
Senior Fellow and Director of Century International
Thanassis Cambanis is an author, journalist, and director of Century International. His work focuses on U.S. foreign policy, Arab politics, and social movements in the Middle East.

Zachary Davis Cuyler
Zachary Davis Cuyler is a fellow at Century International and an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Nicholas Danforth
Nicholas Danforth is a fellow at Century International and an editor at War on the Rocks, where he writes the politics and cartography newsletter Mid-Afternoon Map. Danforth received his MA from the School of Oriental and African Studies and his BA from Yale. He completed his PhD in history at Georgetown University in 2015.

Sima Ghaddar
Sima Ghaddar is a fellow at Century Foundation specializing in Middle Eastern affairs. Her research focuses on identity and mechanisms of social control.

Sam Heller
Sam Heller is a Beirut-based researcher, analyst, and fellow at Century International. Sam’s work focuses on politics and security in Lebanon, Syria, and their regional neighborhood. He has published extensively with International Crisis Group and The Century Foundation and for outlets including Foreign Affairs, War on the Rocks and The Daily Beast.

Sajad Jiyad
Sajad Jiyad is a fellow at Century International and director of the Shia Politics Working Group. An Iraqi political analyst based in Baghdad, he is the managing director of Bridge, an Iraqi nongovernmental organization and consultancy focused on development projects for young people.

Eamon Kircher-Allen
Editor-in-Chief of Century International
Eamon Kircher-Allen is editor-in-chief at Century International. He has worked as a journalist in the United States and East Africa, and for more than a decade as a writer, editor, and researcher focusing on economics, the environment, and the Middle East and Africa.

Aron Lund
Aron Lund is a Swedish writer on Middle Eastern affairs and a fellow at Century International who has published several books and reports on Syrian politics.

Peter Salisbury
Peter Salisbury is a researcher and writer, and fellow at Century International.

Dahlia Scheindlin
Dahlia Scheindlin is a fellow at Century International, based in Tel Aviv. She is a public opinion expert and an international political and strategic consultant, as well as a scholar and a writer. She is the author of The Crooked Timber of Democracy in Israel, published in September 2023.

Stephen Schlesinger
Stephen Schlesinger is a fellow specializing in foreign policy. He is also the former director of the World Policy Institute at the New School (1997–2006) and former publisher of the quarterly magazine, the World Policy Journal.

Zeinab Shuker
Zeinab Shuker is a fellow at Century International and an assistant professor of sociology at Sam Houston State University in Texas.