Carole Johnson joins The Century Foundation from her role as Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, where she successfully led the agency’s expansion of health care services in historically underserved and rural communities.  Her tenure focused on improvements that directly responded to families’ needs including adding night and weekend hours at HRSA-funded health centers, integrating mental health and substance use disorder treatment into primary care, and growing school-based health services. She made unprecedented investments in scholarships, loan repayment and stipends to recruit and train the next generation of the physicians, nurses and other health care providers, and launched new services like the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline to help new parents with postpartum depression and those in need of emotional support. She secured bipartisan action on several Administration priorities including doubling the federal investment in home visiting services to respond to the maternal mortality crisis and the first major reform of the Nation’s organ transplant system in 40 years. Johnson joined HRSA from the White House COVID-19 Response Team where she led mitigation and surge response efforts, including working to deploy health care personnel to support bipartisan Governors’ needs across the country.  She previously served as Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Human Services, leading the largest state agency in the 11th largest state and providing health care and social services to one-in-five New Jerseyans. During her tenure, she expanded Medicaid coverage of mental health and substance use disorder services, created new Medicaid benefits to improve maternal health outcomes, substantially increased child care rates for the first time in a decade, and expanded food assistance benefits. She also served for more than five years in the Obama White House, working on implementation of the Affordable Care Act, combatting the opioid epidemic, responding to public health challenges like Ebola and Zika, and advancing public health priorities.  Johnson spent several years on Capitol Hill as health staff. She previously was a program officer with the Pew Charitable Trusts and a senior government relations manager with the American Heart Association. She holds a master’s degree in government from the University of Virginia.