At 9:00 am
University of Illinois-Chicago, Student Center East, 750 South Halsted Street, Chicago, IL, 60607

Inclusion and Industry 4.0

Forging a High-Wage Future for Chicagoland On June 6, labor, workforce, community, business, and political leaders will come together to develop an action plan to revitalize manufacturing in the Chicago region and support the needs of diverse communities. Hear remarks from Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs, other major regional leaders, and new research presented by...

At 8:30 am
Newseum, 6th Street Entrance, Knight Conference Center, 8th Floor, 555 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., 20001

#DiversityMatters: Getting Public School Choice Right

On the eve of the 64th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, come meet with the nation’s foremost education leaders and policy experts as they recommit to fostering more diverse classrooms and learning environments through public school choice. Join us on May 15 in Washington, D.C. from 8:30am to 3:00pm, where The Century Foundation will...

At 6:30 pm
The Puck Building, 295 Lafayette Street, Rudin Family Forum for Civic Dialogue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY, 10012

Debates of the Century @NYU Wagner: Medicaid

In January, the Trump administration announced it would approve Medicaid waivers that link eligibility for health coverage to a requirement that “able-bodied” individuals work. Three states have approved waivers to date, and over a half-dozen others have expressed interest. This debate will be arguing the resolution, “People Who Can, Should Work For Their Medicaid.” Watch...

At 10:00 am
Great Lakes Science Center - Reinberger Auditorium, 601 Erieside Avenue, Cleveland, OH, 44114

Manufacturing a Better-Paying Ohio

On Monday, March 12th from 10:00am – 2:30pm, labor, business and community leaders from across Ohio will converge in Cleveland to chart a path toward a high-paying, high-quality, and highly-competitive manufacturing sector in the state. The one-day summit, featuring a keynote address by U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), will focus on viable strategies to restore...

At 8:00 am
The Century Foundation, 1 Whitehall Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY, 10004, United States

Women’s Rights and Political Participation in the Middle East

Start your International Women’s Day with the inspirational and extraordinary women’s rights advocate Dr. AlAnoud AlSharekh, a leader in the fight to end violence against women and promote women’s political participation in the Middle East. The Century Foundation will host a breakfast conversation featuring Dr. AlSharekh—who is visiting from Kuwait—and TCF senior associate Lily Hindy...

At 5:30 pm
The Abramson Family Auditorium, NYU Washington D.C., 1307 L St NW, Washington, D.C. , 20005

Debates of the Century @NYU: School Segregation

Sixty-four years after Brown v. Board of Education, segregation by race and economic class continues to persist in schools of all types, and in every state across America. But is school segregation one of the biggest threats to education today, or is it merely a distraction from deeper issues of resource allocation and poor standards?...

At 8:30 am
Kaiser Family Foundation, Barbara Jordan Conference Center, 1330 G Street Northwest, Washington, DC, 20005, United States

Health Reform 2020: Towards Affordable, Quality Care for All Americans

On behalf of The Century Foundation and The American Prospect you are invited to Health Reform 2020: Towards Affordable, Quality Care for All Americans. Join leading experts as they explore options to improve affordable, accessible health coverage—from extending Medicare, to expanding Medicaid, to building on the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Former administration officials, academics, experts,...

At 6:00 pm
The Century Foundation, One Whitehall Street, 15th Floor, New York, New York, 10004, United States

Police Body Cameras: Indispensable Accountability Tool or Surveillance Nightmare?

In the past few years, police departments across the country have embraced police-worn body cameras as a response to community demands for increased accountability. But do body cameras, coupled with advances in facial recognition technology, actually reduce police brutality, or do they only increase the surveillance of already over-surveilled communities? If there’s no going back,...