This week, #TCFBest follows the NSA scoop in The Guardian (complementing our own Bart Gellman’s work on the subject) with an impressive interactive timeline. Bill de Blasio has his work cut out for him when it comes to mayoral duties, according to New York magazine. Class is now a more accurate indicator of success and mobility in America than is race — and today’s equality advocates look much like their counterparts in 1963 at the March on Washington.
Leaky Files
Not exactly a long-form policy piece, but The Guardian has put out a spectacular bit of interactive storytelling around NSA surveillance. Titled “NSA Files: Decoded” the scrolling content shows what effect the Edward Snowden leaks have on individuals. The piece flows through clips of interviews with various personalities and generates a timeline of names associated with NSA stories, all to great visual effect. A rather disturbing counter shows the growing number of terabytes the NSA selected to review during the duration of time spent on the website — 174 terabytes of information equates to roughly 44,554 two-hour HD movies. Check out the revelations and the rest of the data at The Guardian.
Bill de Blasio’s 99 Problems
New York magazine has a compelling profile on soon-to-be NYC mayor Bill de Blasio. Dubbed “The 99% Mayor,” de Blasio’s potential obstacles are outlined over seven pages — which is essentially a novel in the digital world. One of the best lines from the piece: “Still, there’s a bit of tension served with the scrambled eggs…” Throw in some jokes about CUNY and that is apparently de Blasio’s persona in a nutshell, according to the magazine. The stakes are high for de Blasio to clear up his political identity and produce some heavy hits for the city, while steering clear of Bloomberg’s image. Count down to election day and read the full piece at New York. #longreads
Class Winning the Race
In a CNN Opinion piece, columnist John Sutter writes, “Is class the new race?” He is basing this new position off parallels between demands from protesters in 1963 and today. As President Obama commemorates the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, Sutter reminds readers this was initially a march for jobs and freedom, not just for racial equality. Today’s fast food workers’ demands for fair pay hearken back to the economic equality encapsulated within Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision for America. For full freedom, Americans cannot be barred from equality by their class or their race. Read more at CNN.
Follow us @tcfdotorg and submit your #TCFBest faves all week long.
Tags: nyc mayor, john sutter, new york magazine, socioeconomic integration, nyc elections, #tcfbest, edward snowden, nsa, national security, fast food strikes, bloomberg, bill de blasio
#TCFBest: November 1, 2013
This week, #TCFBest follows the NSA scoop in The Guardian (complementing our own Bart Gellman’s work on the subject) with an impressive interactive timeline. Bill de Blasio has his work cut out for him when it comes to mayoral duties, according to New York magazine. Class is now a more accurate indicator of success and mobility in America than is race — and today’s equality advocates look much like their counterparts in 1963 at the March on Washington.
Leaky Files
Not exactly a long-form policy piece, but The Guardian has put out a spectacular bit of interactive storytelling around NSA surveillance. Titled “NSA Files: Decoded” the scrolling content shows what effect the Edward Snowden leaks have on individuals. The piece flows through clips of interviews with various personalities and generates a timeline of names associated with NSA stories, all to great visual effect. A rather disturbing counter shows the growing number of terabytes the NSA selected to review during the duration of time spent on the website — 174 terabytes of information equates to roughly 44,554 two-hour HD movies. Check out the revelations and the rest of the data at The Guardian.
Bill de Blasio’s 99 Problems
New York magazine has a compelling profile on soon-to-be NYC mayor Bill de Blasio. Dubbed “The 99% Mayor,” de Blasio’s potential obstacles are outlined over seven pages — which is essentially a novel in the digital world. One of the best lines from the piece: “Still, there’s a bit of tension served with the scrambled eggs…” Throw in some jokes about CUNY and that is apparently de Blasio’s persona in a nutshell, according to the magazine. The stakes are high for de Blasio to clear up his political identity and produce some heavy hits for the city, while steering clear of Bloomberg’s image. Count down to election day and read the full piece at New York. #longreads
Class Winning the Race
In a CNN Opinion piece, columnist John Sutter writes, “Is class the new race?” He is basing this new position off parallels between demands from protesters in 1963 and today. As President Obama commemorates the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, Sutter reminds readers this was initially a march for jobs and freedom, not just for racial equality. Today’s fast food workers’ demands for fair pay hearken back to the economic equality encapsulated within Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision for America. For full freedom, Americans cannot be barred from equality by their class or their race. Read more at CNN.
Follow us @tcfdotorg and submit your #TCFBest faves all week long.
Tags: nyc mayor, john sutter, new york magazine, socioeconomic integration, nyc elections, #tcfbest, edward snowden, nsa, national security, fast food strikes, bloomberg, bill de blasio