This podcast is in Arabic. To listen in English, click here. 

The question of universal rights in the Middle East is a delicate one. As pluralism and rights come under threat from communal violence, authoritarianism, and religious identity politics, the call for universal rights becomes even more necessary. Yet marginalized groups face unique challenges that set them apart from the wider population. Our guests discuss the basis of rights and how to create inclusive forms of citizenship. The biggest challenge they contemplate is how to push for universal rights without erasing difference.

This podcast is part of “Citizenship and Its Discontents: The Struggle for Rights, Pluralism, and Inclusion in the Middle East,” a TCF project supported by the Henry Luce Foundation. This podcast is in Arabic.

Participants include:

  • Karl Sharro, architect and critic
  • Lina Attalah, editor of Mada Masr
  • Rabab El Mahdi, associate professor, American University of Cairo
  • Michael Wahid Hanna, senior fellow, The Century Foundation