Amy Li is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Leadership, Policy, and Development at the University of Northern Colorado. Her research focuses on higher education finance and public policy, specifically performance funding, student loan debt, state policy adoption, and “free” college/Promise programs. She studies the impact of local and state policies on student access and college completion and is particularly interested in outcomes for historically underrepresented populations (e.g., students of color, lower SES). Li’s recent work appears in Research in Higher Education, Community College Review, Educational Policy, the ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, with forthcoming work in Teachers College Record and The Review of Higher Education. Li earned her Ph.D. from the University of Washington. She was a 2015-16 recipient of a dissertation grant from the American Educational Research Association and the 2017 recipient of honorable mention for the dissertation of the year award from the Association for the Study of Higher Education.