Investment in diplomacy over warfare is both good policy as well as good politics. According to a Century Foundation/Morning Consult poll of 1,834 registered voters conducted in July, the war in Gaza has galvanized many Americans, who want to see the U.S. uphold its own laws, which prohibit sending American weapons to foreign governments that use them to commit war crimes.

The good news is that America can play a constructive role in addressing the core crises of the Middle East. The even better news is that a progressive Middle East policy that combines values and interests can bring security and prosperity to millions in the Middle East—and do the same for millions of Americans.
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Tags: U.S. Foreign Policy, israel palestine
Americans Want Conditions Met Before Sending Weapons to Israel
Investment in diplomacy over warfare is both good policy as well as good politics. According to a Century Foundation/Morning Consult poll of 1,834 registered voters conducted in July, the war in Gaza has galvanized many Americans, who want to see the U.S. uphold its own laws, which prohibit sending American weapons to foreign governments that use them to commit war crimes.
The good news is that America can play a constructive role in addressing the core crises of the Middle East. The even better news is that a progressive Middle East policy that combines values and interests can bring security and prosperity to millions in the Middle East—and do the same for millions of Americans.
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Tags: U.S. Foreign Policy, israel palestine